Manufacturing User Preferences For MCD

Bottling Line
From vissago

Nobody likes boring code

Mozilla products like Thunderbird and Firefox represent setting choices in a textual “tree” system. (Read the intro.)  Preferences that begin with print. live on the tree branch dealing with printing while those that begin with app.update. are on the auto-update system’s branch.  An easy concept to grasp. In practice, however, the simplicity will easily become a drone of defalutPref(“”, false); if you are not careful.

// This is a boring autoconfig script
defaultPref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", true);
defaultPref("", 0);
defaultPref("", false);
defaultPref("", false);
defaultPref("", 0);
defaultPref("browser.feeds.handler", "reader");
defaultPref("browser.feeds.handler.default", "web");
defaultPref("browser.feeds.showFirstRunUI", false);
defaultPref("browser.history_expire_days.mirror", 180);
// and so on....

Working at The Preference Factory

Instead of hand-cranking preferences I developed an object prototype to mechanize large blocks of related settings.  The resulting code is more readable and easier to maintain when it looks something like this:

// Some hypothetical printing preferences
var printPrefs = new PreferenceFactory("print");
// Lock out printing background or in color and don't allow font download
printPrefs.setPrefs( { print_bgcolor: false,
                       print_bgimages: false,
                       print_downoadfonts: false,
                       print_in_color: false }, "lock" );
// Make some sensible defaults
printPrefs.setPrefs( { print_orientation: 0,  // Letter
                       print_to_file: false } );

Whitespace focuses your attention on the block and the object eliminates monotonous pref-branch statement repetition. For the experienced programmer this approach is the familiar object-oriented one of sending messages to receivers. One goal behind this prototype was to help create elegant code, which can be difficult to do in javascript. There is another purpose to PreferenceFactory which I will cover in a later post.

The Bottling Line

The heart of PreferenceFactory is a wrapper around the autoconfig API.  It performs lockPref(), defaultPref(), pref() and getPref() on a branch of the preference tree that you specify when creating the object. Here is the engine driving the factory:

function PreferenceFactory(arg)
{  this.prefNodes = [];   // Nodes in the preference tree
   this.prefBranch = "";  // String representation of the branch
      this.addPrefBranch(arg);   // Add nodes to the tree and update the string representation
/* Preference setting helper function
   myServer.setPref("type", "imap", "lock");
     key: The preference string to set
     value: Value to assign to key
     lockLevel: Locking level.
            Valid values are "default", "lock" and "pref"
            Default level is "defulat"
PreferenceFactory.prototype.setPref = function(key,value,lockLevel)
{  if( lockLevel )
   {  switch( lockLevel.toLowerCase() )
      {  case "default":
         case "lock":
         case "pref":
            throw("Unrecognized locking level: " + lockLevel );
   } else
   {  this.defaultPref(key,value);  }
PreferenceFactory.prototype.defaultPref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      defaultPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.getPref = function(key)
{  if( key )
      getPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.lockPref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      lockPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.pref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      pref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );

The “hypothetical print” code example gets its readability from a final function to set multiple preferences.  It uses a function I copied from JsUnit called trueTypeOf().  Its function is much like javascript’s typeof, but handles more than just the built-in data types.  setPrefs() accepts an array or “hash” and iterates over its elements, calling the above setPref() on each 2-tuple.

/* Sets multiple preferences
   Accepts an array or object "hash" and an optional locking level
PreferenceFactory.prototype.setPrefs = function(prefs,lockLevel)
{  switch( trueTypeOf(prefs) )
   {  case "Object":
         for( thing in prefs )
         {  this.setPref(thing, prefs[thing], lockLevel);  }
      case "Array":
         if( prefs.length % 2 != 0 )
         {  throw("Need an even number of strings to set multiple preferences with an array");  }
         for( i = 0; i < prefs.length; i = i + 2 )
         {  this.setPref(prefs[i], prefs[i+1], lockLevel);  }
         throw("I don't know how to set multiple prefs with a " + trueTypeOf(prefs) );

Download the full source

Scene from an upcoming post

I alluded to another purpose for this prototype and this is a glimpse of how I use it with Thunderbird in the real world.  Stay tuned.

   // Create an email account
   var brewingAccount = AccountManager.newAccount({ isDefault: true, type: "imap" });
   // Lock Preferences on the IMAP server
   brewingAccount.server.setPrefs({ capability: 81,
                                    hostname: "",
                                    port: 993,
                                    realhostname: "",
                                    realusername: brewingMail,
                                    remember_password: false,
                                    socketType: 3,
                                    type: "imap",
                                    userName: brewingMail }, "lock" );
   // Default Preferences
   brewingAccount.server.setPrefs({ check_new_mail: true,
                                    check_time: 10,
                                    cleanup_inbox_on_exit: true,
                                    delete_model: 1,   /* Move to trash */
                                    directory: userInfo.env_home + "/Mail",
                                    "directory-rel": "[ProfD]../../Mail",
                                    empty_trash_on_exit: false,
                                    empty_trash_threshhold: 0,
                                    name: "Brewing Mail",
                                    login_at_startup: true,
                                    using_subscription: false });
  // Lock Preferences on the SMTP server
  brewingAccount.smtpServer.setPrefs({ auth_method: 1,    /* User/pass */
                                       port: 465,
                                       username: brewingMail }, "lock" );
  // Default Preferences
  brewingAccount.smtpServer.setPrefs({ description: "Brewing SMTP server",
                                       hostname: "",
                                       try_ssl: 3 });

The source

   By Dean Brundage
   Originally published here:
   Mix-in prototype for other objects that want to set defaultPref, lockPref
     or just plain old pref().
   Use the utility function copyPrototype() to copy this object's prototype
     functions to other objects.  This can also be used as a stand-alone object.
     Pass the prefix string to the constructor
   Example [mix-in]:
      function Mail.Server()
      {  // It's very important to update the object's preference path
         // Continue to define Mail.Server
      copyPrototype(Mail.Server, PreferenceFactory);
      // Define the rest of Mail.Server's prototypes
      // Then you can set preferences on your Mail.Server object
      myServer = new Mail.Server();
      myServer.setPref("type", "imap", "lock");  // Lock the type of server to IMAP
   Example [stand-alone]:
      var prefFact = new PreferenceFactory( ["mail", "accountmanager"] );
      prefFact.setPref("localfoldersserver", "server2" );
function PreferenceFactory(arg)
{  this.prefNodes = [];
   this.prefBranch = "";
// Add a string or many strings to the preference branch
PreferenceFactory.prototype.addPrefBranch = function(nodes)
{  switch( trueTypeOf(nodes) )
   {  case "String":
      case "Array":
         for( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ )
         throw("Don't know how to addPrefBranch for a " + trueTypeOf(nodes));
   this.prefBranch = this.prefNodes.join(".");
PreferenceFactory.prototype.defaultPref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      defaultPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.getPref = function(key)
{  if( key )
      getPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.lockPref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      lockPref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );
PreferenceFactory.prototype.pref = function(key,value)
{  if( key )
      pref( this.prefBranch + "." + key, value );
   Preference setting helper function
   myServer.setPref("type", "imap", "lock");
     key: The preference string to set
     value: Value to assign to key
     lockLevel: Locking level.
            Valid values are "default", "lock" and "pref"
            Default level is "defulat"
PreferenceFactory.prototype.setPref = function(key,value,lockLevel)
{  if( lockLevel )
   {  switch(lockLevel.toLowerCase())
      {  case "default":
         case "lock":
         case "pref":
            throw("Unrecognized locking level: " + lockLevel );
   } else
   {  this.defaultPref(key,value);  }
/* Sets multiple preferences
   Accepts an array or object "hash" and an optional locking level
PreferenceFactory.prototype.setPrefs = function(prefs,lockLevel)
{  switch( trueTypeOf(prefs) )
   {  case "Object":
         for( thing in prefs )
         {  this.setPref(thing, prefs[thing], lockLevel);  }
      case "Array":
         if( prefs.length % 2 != 0 )
         {  throw("Need an even number of strings to set multiple preferences with an array");  }
         for( i = 0; i < prefs.length; i = i + 2 )
         {  this.setPref(prefs[i], prefs[i+1], lockLevel);  }
         throw("I don't know how to set multiple prefs with a " + trueTypeOf(prefs) );
function trueTypeOf(something)
{  // Borrowed from jsUnitCore.js.  Thank you.
   var result = typeof something;
   {  switch (result)
      {  case 'string':
         case 'boolean':
         case 'number':
         case 'object':
         case 'function':
            switch (something.constructor)
            {  case new String().constructor:
                        result = 'String';
               case new Boolean().constructor:
                        result = 'Boolean';
               case new Number().constructor:
                        result = 'Number';
               case new Array().constructor:
                        result = 'Array';
               case new RegExp().constructor:
                        result = 'RegExp';
               case new Date().constructor:
                        result = 'Date';
               case Function:
                        result = 'Function';
                  var m = something.constructor.toString().match(/function\s*([^( ]+)\(/);
                  if (m)
                     result = m[1];
   {  result = result.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + result.substr(1);
      return result;

3 thoughts on “Manufacturing User Preferences For MCD”

  1. Converting everything to JSON would only benefit preference branches that have lots of settings, like mail accounts. We do a lot of one-shot settings like

    // fix memory usage with lots of tabs
    lockPref("browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers", 2);

    // Set animated images to loop once
    defaultPref("image.animation_mode", "once");

    The above is a little more clear than

    // fix memory usage with lots of tabs
    var sessionHistory = new PreferenceFactory("browser", "sessionhistory");
    sessionHistory.setPref("max_total_viewers", 2, "lock");

    // Set animated images to loop once
    var imageAnimation = new PreferenceFactory("image");
    imageAnimation.setPref("animation_mode", "once");

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